Jesus loves you

Jesus loves you
He loves you so much... He died for you. This is love.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jesus, I love you

I was driving somewhere, don't remember where, but I remember exactly where I was. It was several years ago... maybe fifteen years. I was not yet aware of my part in His plan. Still totally in and of the world, feeding the fleshly desires. That includes the music I loved to listen to. R&R, R&B, a bit of country, some mildly hard rock, a teeny tiny bit of mild Rap, some Jazz. Pretty typical. Nothing truly offensive... not crazy about lyrics that talked violence, dirty language, death, nasty sex. I listened to nothing that said anything about faith, agape love, Jesus or God. You know.

I was stopped at a red light, scanning the car radio for something to listen to. I guess I didn't like what the station was playing and came to a Christian radio station. I do not know why, but I stayed there long enough to hear the female radio personality say "Everybody, I want you to say I love you to Jesus". And sitting in my car, all by myself, I said it... out loud. "Jesus, I love you." Little did I know that I was being led to that station, at that precise moment, because I was being taken on a new journey. I knew nothing of obedience. Yes, I knew who Jesus was, and yes, I had a certain reverence for Him. But I was just starting to love Him, and did not know it.

From that day on, I listened to Christian stations when I was in my car. Soon after that, I was trying to get Christian music in my office, but the reception was very poor and I only heard a little bit there. My taste in music was changed from one day to the next. I never understood it, but that is the way it happened. I remember the first Christian song I learned at my desk was The Creation Song by Fernando Ortega.

God works in mysterious ways. Why He would even take the time to do this in my life, confounds me, humbles me. The Holy Spirit gave me obedience when I did not know what that was and would not have done it on my own. I give Him the glory.

Jesus, I love you.

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