Jesus loves you

Jesus loves you
He loves you so much... He died for you. This is love.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Speaking the whole truth

There is only one "truth" if you are a Christ follower. But that is just so hard to apply to the world we live in.

Anyone can ask us a question, we must decide if, and what, we want to answer. We are not under an obligation to answer with the facts they are requesting. We are obliged by common courtesy/politeness to make a reply of some sort though. The one thing that is very clear is that we must not lie.

I've been asked questions I am not comfortable answering "truthfully". Sometimes, it is because I know the answer but it was given to me in confidence that I would not repeat it. Other times I know I will come under attack if I give the information. Other times it just seems useless because the person is not in a place to receive the truth, as I perceive it, and not be hurt.

So, if I love my neighbor as myself, do I hand out the truth, as I perceive it, despite all possible subsequent consequences? If I am not telling the complete truth, as I perceive it, am I really telling a lie? Some would perceive that by not speaking the whole truth, one is actually telling a lie. Telling a lie is an abomination before God.

The other side of the coin that comes to my mind is:

Romans 12:18
If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Avoid unnecessary strife, do not be unkind, do not force confrontation into other people's lives.

We only have control of what we feel and do about information that comes to us. We have no control over other people's feelings. When we pour information into others we are affecting their lives. Perhaps in a very small way, but it could however have an immense impact. It could be like dropping a pebble into a pool, creating ripples that reach far out into others lives.

I am putting this into prayer, asking to be given wisdom in speaking to others... to be judicious, discerning, and compassionate when answering the tough questions. It once again boils down to love. May His love be apparent in my life and words.

Monday, May 17, 2010

How big is my God?

I was sitting on the edge of the bed and just thinking random thoughts. It turned to God, as it often does. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how we measure all things by what we know. On a certain level, I understand the universe is bigger than our galaxy. I understand that the earth is not the largest planet in our galaxy. The continent that I live on is not the largest. The island in the Caribbean I was born on is a mere 100 by 45 aeronautical miles. Miniscule in the scheme of things. If the island is that tiny, I by comparison am barely existent. A mere 5 foot 2 inches tall by 23 inches wide (46 inches in circumference). I already used the word miniscule... so I must need another word to describe my tininess in the scheme of things. Infinitesimal?

My wandering mind remembered that it is said that the waters of the earth fit in the palm of His hand. That would make the Caribbean a microscopic dot. He is so big, bigger than my mind can perceive... what is the opposite of infinitesimal? According to Google, I probably know or am familiar with about a 100,000 words and their different meanings by being fluent in the English and in the Spanish languages. Let's say for argument's sake I can use 10,000 words. Honestly, the closest I can come to describing God's bigness is - omnipresent. I humbly admit, that I'm not even sure what that means, so basically, I remain wordless.

I said all that because, as I contemplated His bigness and my insignificant, invisible size, I realized... He listens to me. I am not worthy.

Now I have to try to get a grasp on how big is His love.

Monday, May 3, 2010

What is truth

Someone told another person the "truth." It was a hurtful statement. The originator of the statement claimed that it was okay to speak those words because it was the truth. Them's fighting words.

Off on a tangent go I. In my mind, I'm hearing, does anyone have the "right" to speak whatever is on their minds to anyone they want without consequence because they label it the truth. And while we're at it, what is the truth? Not talking about God's Truth, that's a whole other topic for another post.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Truth can have a variety of meanings, from the state of being the case, being in accord with a particular fact or reality, being in accord with the body of real things, events, actuality, or fidelity to an original or to a standard. In archaic usage it could be fidelity, constancy or sincerity in action, character, and utterance.[1] The term has no single definition yet about which over fifty percent of professional philosophers and scholars agree[who?], and various theories and views of truth continue to be debated. There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth; what things are truthbearers capable of being true or false; how to define and identify truth; the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective, relative, objective, or absolute.

Too many times when people speak the "truth", they are just stating an opinion, an impression, a concept, a perception, or using logic. That's a toughie to decipher. They may actually believe that they "know" the truth. Not an actual lie.

I once told someone that a certain phrase he just used (and that many attribute to the bible) is not actually biblical. Nope not in there. He responded yes, it is. And he believed he was right, that he was telling the truth. It sounded good, everyone says it, so it must be truth. I researched it because I too thought at one time that it was biblical. (Turns out that a man who did not believe in God was cited as the author of the words.)I was able to make up my own mind, and decided to drop it... No one was hurt by this particular exchange.

Not too long ago, a friend of mine was in the back seat of a car. Another persons purse was back there. The wallet that should have been in the purse was not there when she got out. Logic led to a very hurtful situation. The whole truth will never be known, because the person who was missing the wallet just did not know if it was left at a store she had been at earlier.

A few people became involved and insisted that my friend hand over her purse to make sure the missing wallet was not in it. They were sure of the "truth" because of logic. The wallet was not in my friend's purse. She was hurt and embarrassed to think that they assumed she would steal.

I told them that it would probably make me leave the church if someone accused me of stealing. I was told that people who have a defensive attitude have a problem. The "truth" of that statement eluded me as well. I took offense and had to ask God's forgiveness.

Bottom line, if we claim something is the truth, and believe it, that is fine, but nothing gives us the freedom or permission to hurt someone irresponsibly. I am setting a new standard in my life... wish me luck.