Anyone can ask us a question, we must decide if, and what, we want to answer. We are not under an obligation to answer with the facts they are requesting. We are obliged by common courtesy/politeness to make a reply of some sort though. The one thing that is very clear is that we must not lie.
I've been asked questions I am not comfortable answering "truthfully". Sometimes, it is because I know the answer but it was given to me in confidence that I would not repeat it. Other times I know I will come under attack if I give the information. Other times it just seems useless because the person is not in a place to receive the truth, as I perceive it, and not be hurt.
So, if I love my neighbor as myself, do I hand out the truth, as I perceive it, despite all possible subsequent consequences? If I am not telling the complete truth, as I perceive it, am I really telling a lie? Some would perceive that by not speaking the whole truth, one is actually telling a lie. Telling a lie is an abomination before God.
The other side of the coin that comes to my mind is:
Romans 12:18
If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Avoid unnecessary strife, do not be unkind, do not force confrontation into other people's lives.
We only have control of what we feel and do about information that comes to us. We have no control over other people's feelings. When we pour information into others we are affecting their lives. Perhaps in a very small way, but it could however have an immense impact. It could be like dropping a pebble into a pool, creating ripples that reach far out into others lives.
I am putting this into prayer, asking to be given wisdom in speaking to others... to be judicious, discerning, and compassionate when answering the tough questions. It once again boils down to love. May His love be apparent in my life and words.